#TeamOuters: Let's Get to the Facts
My mini ramblings about the Outer's and how you can use them <3
What’s poppin? It’s your girl Christydabull, your local Taurus coming with another post for the real lovers and friends. If you’re new to my content, take some time to read through my work and heavily consider following (or subscribing) to my Substack for more Astrology content. I’m also accepting Anonymous Astrology questions for my column that I will be responding to on the monthly basis, so do keep your eyes out for the scoop. You are able to ask me any astrology question that you want; Spill the tea, or keep it simple, either way, your question will get answered in some sort of fashion. I highly advise you to describe me some scenarios that you want to look into more, in an advice column style, but if you just have astro questions, that is perfectly fine as well. Here is the link to the form and now…Let’s jump into the post now, shall we?
The Outer planets are Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto. I will give you all a quick summary of what the outers can signify before I go into my mini spiel about their transits.
When you're born on your birthday at your exact birth time, that is a literal snapshot of what the sky/universe looks like when you are born. The sky doesn't stop moving, but this is what we call transits. Your transits, known as natal transits, tell you how your chart is personally affected by the current planets moving. So, everyone experiences transits differently, and that's why some of us have good days and some have terrible days.
Anyway, when the Outers specifically transit, I like to look at Mundane Astrology a bit because what happens on the worldly or collective level for transits will eventually trickle down to us and affect us personally. Mundane Astrology is a branch of astrology that focuses on predicting worldly events. You can do this from a city, state, country, even the world in attempts to predict what may happen to a particular country. I learned Mundane Astrology to track social events for the most part, but don’t be surprised when I get in my political news bag as it will be very relevant soon.
Neptune transiting will bring a yearning for redemption, which causes a natural fog in our minds or our reality. Neptune is like a picture that looks cute at first, but the more you stare at it, the more dark imagery lies underneath it. It aims to fool you into thinking the ideas or areas in the house it's transiting benefit or desert you.
Uranus transiting will be the bubble that finally decides to pop. Uranus is like someone who continues to get poked consistently for a while and then explodes because it's too much to take anymore. Uranus is an unexpected reaction, although it should not be surprising. It's a planet that pops the cherry, sits back, and watches the fallout go down.
Pluto is similar to but vastly different from Uranus. It aims to attack the foundations of what it's hitting and flip it around, leading to revelations of the body, mind, and soul. These revelations are often uncomfortable, having to examine the hole left for you to repair. Transits for Pluto aim to hit the issue's core while leaving a nasty mark for the multitude to fix. This is better than you would think at certain times. Sometimes, these burials and rebirths serve as a new period for gain and creativity, but first, we must deal with the first strike.
The purpose of me explaining all of this to you is that our Outer planets are mostly regarded as collective, meaning how society, in general, reacts to these transits; however, I would like to emphasize that even if our Outer planets are supposed to be the views of society, what will happen in a society that in turn gives us the personal stories that the collective experiences.
Stay with me here.
Let's take a real-life concept before I get into a couple of examples….
United States Natal Chart
I wrote a Twitter (x ?) thread the other day and explained a little bit about what I'm writing about today. The United States has Pluto in Aquarius in the 3H. The 3H is the house of early/foundational learning, our communication via talk/news/media/social media/letters/texts/etc., and the places we regularly hit up. Especially in Mundane, astrology is where we will see themes surrounding the news media and public education. For extra insight, the ruler of the 3H is transiting in the 4H. I'll explain what this all means towards the end of this segment.
If you live in the United States, you may have noticed student protests on college campuses. In some states, funding is decreasing, and rules are becoming more unjust.
There's a chain of command to follow. The federal government allots funds for public education for the fiscal year, and how much they give will determine what happens that year. If the government does not provide adequate funds to the states, public education circumstances will start to deteriorate; however, the state government hits the nail on the head with this. The state government distributes the most funds to public education, and they can decide where certain funds go and how much they will obtain. Even outside of funds, the states set the precedent on what other public schools can do. What the state declares, a domino effect follows. The Department of Education has to update and enforce standards; the districts must adhere to those standards. The schools within that district then have to change the curriculum or downsize the number of teachers they have, to give some examples. Now, the school's principal must ensure diversity under specific orders.
The actions people commit from the top trickle down to the bottom. It reminds me of the slow burn the Outers give because of how slow they move. This is purely a means to get people to understand that Outer can be how society moves in and out of these cycles; however, you start to see all the pieces that get broken down that cause society to move in the way it does due to their influence.
[A handy note: I had already finished this entire post and found another example of Pluto in the 3H in action. Just recently, there was a twitter controversy where a teacher posted a video of his students taking down his braids for him. There have been points about if this is too intimate and lacks boundaries with teachers/students. This ALSO sparked the debate about whether teachers need to post their student’s faces on social media.
I bring this up specifically because while we see the chain effect from top to bottom, sometimes it can be reversed, or start in a different area. Here we are seeing a school issue happening that gained more attention that it was supposed to, and now the principal and district have to find out how to handle this, which will likely result in the teacher being fired.
Anywho, back to the post! ]
Speaking of influence, we all have seen the latest rap beef between Drake and Kendrick Lamar, and the exciting part about this is that when Drake released Family Matters, Sagittarius was rising. The United States also has a Sagittarius rising, and I've been looking at the United States chart recently to see what's happening in the entertainment industry.
The United States 3H is Aquarius, where Pluto rests now. I said here that we would see change affect how we communicate. The communication channels include what we see in the media and the news we consume! Where it connects to the entertainment industry is where we have to take this little journey.
In this transit chart, the 3H is occupied by Aquarius, and we then have to look for Saturn in the chart because Saturn is Aquarius' ruler. Right now, Saturn is in Pisces in the USA's 4H, which is where we will see reality set in for a lot of people. Pisces is a sign that can idolize certain aspects of life because they have this natural optimism about them. It serves as a downside when they cannot look past the idolization and ignore their intuition for it. Then with this energy in the 4H, this is the darkest part of the chart and it’s for a reason. The 4H to me is a super private house because it represents the home and people do not necessarily know the in’s and out’s of another person’s house. It represents secrets that are tucked away, not to be seen by anyone. What we have here is the media picking up on private events, events that we should not see or know about, but have been brought upfront as a front-page story. There isn’t too much clarity, at least not definitively. The media is interested in what’s underneath the surface, so when Pluto moved into Aquarius, we started seeing this on a higher scale.
Now, the 5H represents entertainment and creativity. In Mundane, this is where you will see celebrities or the culture of the entertainment industry as a whole. This is where the arts thrive. Mars is the ruler of the 5H since it is in Aries. If you noticed that when Venus entered Aries, we started seeing women celebrities take the spot a bit more, particularly some rap beef happened between JT and Young Miami. Venus is debilitated when it enters Aries, so you will see spotlight towards women in the entertainment industry around Aries season or when the moon enters Aries. When Mars went into Aries, this is where we got the Drake vs Kendrick Lamar rap battle of the century. Since the Solar Eclipse happened in the US’s 5H, it made sense to me that we would see something significant happen in the entertainment industry.
You’re probably wondering, what does this have to do with the outers? You’re mentioning personal planets Christy! And to that I say, the day Kendrick Lamar dropped Euphoria, we had a Mars/Neptune in Pisces conjunction and a Uranus/Jupiter Conjunction in Taurus.
“Know you a master manipulator and habitual liar too. But don't tell no lie about me and I won't tell truths 'bout you” - Kendrick Lamar
Neptune on Mars is Kendrick Lamar breaking the imagery that Drake has presented himself for years. In the US chart, Pisces Neptune/Mars conjunction was in the 4H, which we know at this point is what’s underneath the surface. Mars is causing the disruption, or corruption of the images that Neptune uses to fool people. Kendrick came on the song and brought reality to Drake’s fantasy of himself. This can also be seen as people trying to redeem themselves over the years because let me remind all of you, Drake and Kendrick have been dissing each other in their songs for a decade or more! This is another example of how slow the outers enact their influence, but it breaks it down layer by layer until it reaches the weak spot. Then it all falls down.
Finally, the Uranus/ Jupiter Conjunction in Taurus can signify a person growing tired of the same conditions. Drake has been seen as the head rapper longer than I can remember, but other people in the rap game are tired of the old and want new, authentic works. What Jupiter will do is expand the influence of what it is getting, which forced Uranus to pop out its frustrations. Kendrick was tired of the conditions that the rap community aligned with, and he had multiple artists (colleagues) feel the same way about it.
With all that being said, phew, I got through that, and I made my points. I’m #TeamOuters because I truly believe that they have significance, just not in the forms we normally subscribe them to. I personally love to view Mundane to see what trends are going to occur in pop culture or even the political world, but the Astrology is always loud about it. You can of course find out this information without using the Outer’s, as I was able to do both. Just keep in mind the chain of command the Outer’s can follow, and check on them outers when you see those viral moments ;)
With that being said, I’m out! Christydabull signing out. Mwah.